April 20, 2020by Benjy Barnhartin Painting0 comments
I’ve been keeping myself occupied with drawing and painting the big construction site directly outside my studio window. Munich’s cultural center, Gasteig, is going to undergo a renovation and they are building a temporary (!) concert hall for the Munich Philharmonic. It’s an interesting challenge to try to react to the daily changes, adding layers as construction builds while leaving the process open. I’m working at a large scale but with only a vertical section visible at a time, rotating through as work progresses. I’m also working with slightly different times of day, with the far right section being morning and the left mostly afternoon. This is an ongoing project which will only be complete when the building has also been completed. Follow me on Instagram for weekly updates on my progress. I’ve also posted a video on my YouTube channel explaining my work process (in German) Ich habe mich damit beschäftigt, die große Baustelle direkt vor meinem Atelierfenster zu zeichnen und zu malen. Das Münchner Kulturzentrum Gasteig wird renoviert, und sie bauen einen temporären (!) Konzertsaal für die Münchner Philharmoniker. Es ist eine interessante Herausforderung zu versuchen, auf die täglichen Veränderungen zu reagieren, indem man versucht, während des Baus […]